24 hours a day, cheap and safe.
You're not sure how much space you need and you don't want to overpay for unused square meters?
0.5 m² - 3 m²
You can fit here:
10-90 cartons or
up to 1 pallet or
1-4 shelves
You will find various storage boxes here, starting from 0.5 m2.
We offer you favorable rental conditions - from 7 days upwards or for an indefinite period.
Without leaving home!
Reservation, rental and management is fully online.
You have a clean and safe space to store your belongings.
Flexible contract terms
Entrance to the premises is for customers only
Individual access codes to the facility
Transport trolleys available
Box sizes starting from 0.5 m²
24/7 access
Access and payments controlled from the application level
24/7 CCTV monitoring
Heated, lighted and dry room
Anti-burglary electric lock system
Smile and commitment
Take advantage of the help of a professional company that has been specializing in providing comprehensive transport services for individuals and companies for years.
At Stokado, you can rent or buy professional shelves with high load-bearing capacity and combine them in any arrangement and configuration.
Don't rush into buying packing and storage materials.
During administration hours, our employee will collect the shipment for you and secure it until you can take it over.
You can buy an insurance policy when signing a contract with us - easily, without unnecessary formalities and visits to insurance agencies.
Stokado sp. z o.o.
Ul. Litewska 1, 00-581 Warszawa
Sąd rejestrowy: Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy w Warszawie, XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego,
Nr KRS: 0000468018
NIP: 8992745172
BDO: 000527463
Kapitał zakładowy: 3 138 050,00 zł;
We will be happy to answer any questions.