Have you bought new equipment and are wondering how to transport the refrigerator without damaging it?
Kitchen equipment is one of the most important items in our homes, and moving the refrigerator, transporting and storing this type of equipment requires special attention to avoid damage.
Transporting refrigerators is a difficult task due to their size, weight and delicate components.
Empty and defrost the refrigerator.
Disconnect the refrigerator from the power source.
Secure shelves and accessories.
Seal the door.
Transport in a vertical position.
Provide stability.
Avoid shocks: Try to avoid sudden braking, jolts and driving on uneven surfaces.
Transporting a refrigerator lying down is not the best idea, especially if it has been recently used.
If you really need to move the fridge in this position, make sure that once you move it to its new location, you leave it still for at least 24 hours before turning it on.
Another popular issue is storing an unused refrigerator, especially when there is a new one in the house, but the owner does not want to get rid of the old model because it still works.
Thorough cleaning of equipment.
Defrost and shutdown.
Opening the door.
Store in a dry place.
Move carefully.
Remember that a refrigerator is a sensitive device that requires careful treatment regardless of transport or storage conditions.
Before transporting or storing your refrigerator, always check the manufacturer's instructions to make sure you are following the recommendations for your specific model.
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